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Assessment, Counseling, And Placement Center

The ACAP Center is located at the 1st floor, Saint Therese Building. Programs like psychological tests, wellness programs, counseling and therapy, cognitive enhancement and several more are available for both students and employees.



The ACAP Center aims to equip the students with appropriate knowledge and skills for their total advancement for service to God and community, and to see our graduates as well-rounded individuals through promoting self and social awareness, to help them develop the seven aspects of human life.



Develop the students to become fully-functioning individuals that are competent to face the challenges of this changing world.




ACAP Center is one of the components of the educational system of an institution, hence, it complements the instructional program of the institution. To implement the goals of education and the mission-vision of the school, the following services are available in order to be responsive to the needs of students.


1. Admission Service

A service provided by the Guidance Center to all incoming students, first year or transferee who desired to be part of community.


2. Individual Inventory Service

A service which provides a synthesis of information about the student which can be used to gain understanding of self as he/she is capable of becoming, The primary objective of this service is to have the necessary information about the student. These information include personal, education, social, health, home and family background.

New students or transferees are required to fill out an individual inventory data (Student Personal Data Sheet/SPDS) after which, interview will be conducted by the counselor in-charge. Any information and data collection are safely kept in steel cabinets. Student records are updated every year/semester by the counselor.


3. Information Service

A service which provides sufficient educational, social, occupational and other data to guide his/her choices and decisions. This entails knowing what information students require: identifying sources of useful information; setting up systems for acquiring, storing, disseminating information; and showing students how to process and use information. Sources of information can be from small group sessions, bulletin board display, lectures, clippings from newspaper/magazines, etc.


4. Student Development Activities

These are group guidance activities and sessions to develop student’s sensitivity to others to help identify strengths and weaknesses.


5. Testing Service

This aims to provide students with means to demonstrate objectively his/her abilities, personality, aptitude, interest, etc. The primary objective is to assess
individual academic performance and diagnose their strengths and weaknesses. Information from these sources supplemented by school records and examination results enables the Guidance Center to assist a student in decision-making, problem solving, and behavioral and life changes. Confidentiality will be respected at all times.


6. Individual/Group Counseling Service

This service is considered as the heart of the Guidance Center. This service is available to help students become the person he/she is capable of becoming. It offers personalized assistance to students who encountered some difficulties in decision-making and personal adjustment. This is also designed to help students attain maximum self-realization and become a fully integrated, mature and responsible person.


7. Follow-up/Referral Service

A service to follow-up students with or without academic/personal problems and difficulties. It is concerned with what happens to students after they leave school or even while they are in school.


8. Placement Service

This service assists students in their adjustment through:
a. Educational Placement Service. This service helps students discover if their course is suited to their mental ability, values, interest, personality, study habits and leadership skills.

b. Occupational Placement Service. This service provides maximum information on
employment to students. This helps students cultivate proper attitude towards work decision and choice.


9. Career Service 

This service provides the opportunities to create awareness and appreciation of the different stages of life and professional careers. It also cultivates proper attitude towards work decision and choice setting.


10. Community Involvement Service

In line with the vision and mission of SPCF, the Guidance Center offers and assists programs and projects to meet the needs of the community.


11. Research and Evaluation

This refers to the systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of the guidance services for the continuous improvement of the various services. Researches
are based on the student’s needs and their academic life.

